Valkyrie Vodka
Valkyrie vodka is a premium quality 100% grain spirit combined with only the purest water from artesian wells, then filtered through charcoal and quadruple distilled for extra purity and smooth character.
The vodka excels in outstanding purity and is produced from original quality grain spirit. Their unique fourfold distillation process creates a superior quality vodka. The purity of their premium Vodka transforms any cocktail into an experience. Its refined and subtle taste bring up the flavours even of the simplest ingredients.
We were tasked with creating the branding for a vodka brand called Valkyrie.
The client wanted a strong brand with a strong social presence that encourages visitors to engage with the brand.
It was essential for the vodka brand to stand out on a shelf.
The Challenge
We were tasked with creating the branding for a mid-range Vodka brand called Valkyrie. The Vodka had to stand out on a shelf and would be sold primarily through Cash and Carry Wholesalers. Furthermore, we needed to create a website that would engage brand awareness and encourage sharing.
The Solution
It was necessary to consider the production process carefully as this brand would have to be well represented on a bottle. Creating a website that had a simple 1-page design.
- Website Design
- Website Development
- Social Ads
- Google Ads
The Outcome
To create a strong branding impact, our designers illustrated a winged warrior kneeling with a sword in hand surrounded by Runic symbols. We needed to define a story to go with the brand, by doing so, increases credibility with consumers.
“Valkyrie vodka is the embodiment of the spirit of the Baltics. A quadruple distilled vodka made from 100% wheat grain spirit and the purest water from artesian wells, for extra purity and smooth character.”
As part of a marketing campaign to drive Cash and Carry orders, we directed traffic via PPC and Linkedin to the Brand Owners website which Emotio updated for the campaign. The website also includes other designs for wine labels we have produced for Wild Flower and Castillio Vale.
The site was a simple 1-page design using a Parallax effect to invite users to continue reading down the page. The site is used to engage brand awareness and encourage sharing. On the website, we used a striking banner for brand awareness. Using strong branding and a majestic image for the banner, we aimed to create a feeling of ancient mystery around the product. The page leads visitors through the story of the Valkyrie Vodka, explaining how it is made and defining the quality of the product. We have used Parallax, a function where the page scrolls in layers at a different speeds to encourage users to scroll down the page. At the foot of the page, we have created a strong social presence to encourage visitors to engage with the brand. We also ensured the website had a separate mobile version for users on the move.