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/ Branding Positioning & Design

Logo design and branding crafted with care and passion

As a brand agency, we consider all aspects of what makes up a brand and integrate that into our design process. Through a process of careful briefing and selection from our brand design team, we produce a collection of initial branding concepts. These concepts allow you to explore what direction you would like to take your design. Working with you through a series of phases, we will refine and perfect your logo to ensure it creates the right emotional connection to your brand when people see it.

Creating a brand is about more than choosing a logo and a colour scheme

Our Brand Strategy workshops help you define a brand purpose and values that can be applied across your organisation. Our workshops are designed to help you align your team around a vision and core values and ultimately ensure that your organisation is imbibed with the heart of your brand.

Brand Design Agency Business Cards

Brand Identity

When we design a logo, we understand that it is a visual cue to connect someone's brain to their experiences of your brand. It is the memory of your brand's experience that triggers the emotional reaction from your audience. While a logo is just the brand's symbol, it is included in every single touch-point your audience has with your organisation.

Brand Style Guide

Your style guide will communicate your brand story, which will help guide design decisions and communicate your organisation's values, vision and mission in a concise way. Your brand story and style will help create a united voice across your brand communication.

Discovery Workshop

We run brand positioning research and exercises to bring together the best of your team's ideas and help ensure they're embraced and seeded throughout the organisation. Our output will ensure brand success and delivery on the ground.

Your business deserves a strong first impression

It is all about you - the logo, the photography, the messaging, your audience. We know what works and what doesn't. We are here to help take your brand from good to great!
