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When it comes to responsive search ads, there is change coming. Google has announced that you won’t be able to create expanded ads or edit them from 30 June 2022. So, you must understand what this means for your business if you are looking to remain competitive with your digital marketing efforts.

What Are Responsive Search Ads?

Responsive search ads are a form of advertising that allows you to create an ad that adapts. It does this to show more relevant messaging to your target audience. Google will automatically test different combinations of headlines and descriptions that you have set out and learn which performs the best.

Why Should They Be Used?

There are several reasons why you might want to consider using responsive search ads. Let’s take a look at some of these.

• They provide a better experience for users: When someone sees an ad relevant to their search, they are more likely to click on it. This means they are more likely to find what they are looking for, providing a better experience.

• They save you time: You provide Google with various headlines and descriptions with responsive search ads. You can tailor your descriptions and headline to your target audience’s locations, locations of interest, or regular locations.

• Google ads then show the audience the most relevant combinations.

• Responsive search ads adapt to device widths, which gives you more room to share your message with your intended audience.

Changes To Expanded Text Ads

As mentioned above, Google announced the significant change from 30 June 2022. This means that if you want to continue using expanded text ads, you need to create them before this date. After this date, you will only be able to use responsive search ads.

Pinning Headlines And Descriptions

With responsive search ads, you have the option to pin a headline or description. This means that it will always be included in your ad, regardless of the device or screen size. Pinning headlines and descriptions can be helpful if you want to make sure that certain information is always included in your ad.

How To Optimise Responsive Search Ads

Optimising your responsive search ads is essential if you want them to be effective. There are a few things that you can do to optimise your ads.

• Test different combinations of headlines and descriptions: Try out different combinations of headlines and descriptions to see what works best for your ad.

• Use negative keywords: Ensure that you are using negative keywords so that your ad is not shown for irrelevant searches.

• Monitor your click-through rate: Keep an eye on your click-through rate to see how well your ad performs. If it is low, try changing some of the headlines or descriptions.